For more than four decades, our lawyers have represented companies in highly sophisticated toxic tort, climate change, chemical exposure, and product liability matters. We have extensive experience defending mass environmental and toxic tort cases, including class actions and consolidated proceedings in dozens of states, as well as successfully taking cases to trial and navigating the appellate process.
Our lawyers have been at the forefront in developing case shortening and case management techniques, including expert challenges under Daubert, Frye, and Rule 702. Clients appreciate our ability to solve seemingly intractable problems through novel approaches utilizing Lone Pine orders, mandatory classes, and innovative settlement structures, including the use of third-party settlement insurers. In addition, we help clients manage emergency situations where rapid response, strategic insight, and litigation know-how are critical. We understand how to defend cases involving hundreds (or thousands) of claimants to help streamline litigation, manage cost-effective teams, and provide resolution and end-game strategies. We counteract plaintiffs’ lobbying and media savvy techniques, as well as work with jury consultants to understand the impact of the allegations and the related publicity on the jury pool.