A draft of a new EU Regulation on Data Protection to replace the existing EU Data Protection Directive was released un-officially earlier this week. The draft Regulation once adopted will have a significant impact on virtually all businesses established in the EU, or who carry on business with the EU, introducing significant internal compliance requirements and fines that range up to 5% of worldwide turnover.
In an article published by the Bureau of National Affairs, John Casanova and William Long of the London office of Sidley Austin and Alan Raul and Ed McNicholas of the Sidley Washington office provide their initial analysis of this significant new EU development. For further information on this development and other EU data protection requirements please contact John Casanova or William Long and for counseling in relation to US privacy issues please contact Alan Raul.
Reproduced with permission from Privacy & Security Law Report, Vol. 10 PVLR No. 48, 12/12/2011. Copyright 2011 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) http://www.bna.com