MARK LANGDON represents a diverse array of healthcare industry clients on numerous regulatory, compliance, fraud and abuse, and reimbursement matters. His clients have primarily included pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, durable medical equipment companies and imaging companies.
Mr. Langdon regularly advises manufacturers regarding healthcare regulatory compliance issues. He has particular knowledge on the federal anti-kickback statute, the federal physician “Stark” Law and the False Claims Act, and routinely counsels clients on the implications of entering into certain transactions under those laws, and on how to structure such arrangements in a compliant fashion.
Mr. Langdon also has extensive experience defending clients in criminal and civil healthcare fraud investigations. In particular, he has been involved in representing medical device, pharmaceutical and dialysis companies in several leading nationwide healthcare fraud investigations conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Inspector General of the federal Department of Health and Human Services. He has negotiated corporate integrity agreements and settlement agreements with the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Attorneys’ offices, and State Medicaid Fraud Control Units, on behalf of device and pharmaceutical clients. He has recently defended a pharmaceutical manufacturer accused of violating the False Claims Act and the federal Anti-Kickback Statute relating to various market share rebates and other discounting programs with customers.
Mr. Langdon also has particular knowledge in assisting manufacturers and providers in designing, implementing and reviewing corporate compliance programs, and has counseled on government self-disclosures. He has also conducted training for healthcare companies on corporate compliance programs and related issues. He has conducted training seminars for sales and marketing employees of device and pharmaceutical companies.
Mr. Langdon also has significant experience in conducting internal investigations of healthcare companies under government scrutiny, in conducting regulatory due diligence reviews for major life sciences acquisition transactions, and in advising manufacturers and clinical research organizations on clinical trial compliance and reimbursement issues.
Mr. Langdon is a nationally recognized professional in the field of healthcare fraud and abuse and reimbursement and speaks and publishes frequently on the subject.