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Farmers Pride 

Country  Kenya
Beneficiaries                  Smallholder farmers
Project Description  Farmers Pride is an innovative solution to smallholder farmers in Kenya and Africa. Smallholder farmers are the backbone of Africa economy. Yet, most farmers struggle to access quality agricultural inputs and services. Farmers Pride provides rural smallholder farmers with timely and relevant quality farm inputs, services and information at affordable prices through comprehensive and innovative franchise model of agro dealers: their comprehensive franchise model of agro dealers and a commitment to generating value for smallholder farmers, agro dealers and their families is enabling rural farmers to improve their productivity and income. The business model integrates farmer field extension and education services, quality agricultural inputs sales and distribution, farmer market linkages, financial services, soil testing services and farmer insurance services to offer a reinforced platform for rural social and economic development. They also train and empower 9,800 farmers they work with by disseminating information on best agricultural practices, which 80% of these rural farmers are women. They have a well-structured system that enables agronomist to visit the rural farms to enhance farmers productivity.