FELICITY WONG has gained experience servicing financial services industry participants primarily hedge, private equity, credit and fund-of-fund managers, broker-dealers, listed companies, multinational financial institutions or global conglomerates headquartered in the US, PRC or elsewhere, insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, family offices, venture capitalists, institutional investors, startups, technology companies and payment service providers.
Specifically, Felicity is actively involved in providing strategic advice to clients with respect to their legal and regulatory needs related to market intermediaries engaged in financial services, insurance, trust and corporate services, money lending and operations, as well as, payment businesses. Felicity has significant experience advising clients across issues relating to the:
- establishment/acquisition/restructuring of financial services business operations in Hong Kong covering fund managers investing in both traditional assets and virtual assets, brokers, distributors/placement agents, private wealth managers and corporate financiers;
- compliance with ongoing regulatory requirements under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, its subsidiary legislations and the codes and guidelines issued by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC);
- establishment/restructure of traditional private wealth management platforms in light of technology impact across financial services firms’ business operations and compliance in light of the SFC’s “front loaded” and “same business, same risks and same rules” regulatory approach;
- implementation of securities/product distribution/marketing plans in or from outside Hong Kong targeted at Hong Kong investors;
- establishment/restructure of family offices, managed account arrangements, and collective investment schemes, including hedge funds, real estate investment trusts, private equity/venture capital funds, distressed debt/credit funds, hybrid funds and retail funds;
- representation of investors (institutional, family offices, insurance companies, pension funds and ultra high net worth individuals) in negotiating investment terms (in the form of joint venture arrangements, restructures, side letters necessitating MFN elections or otherwise) into funds and/or managed account mandates; and
- advising technology companies and payment services providers on the licensing and regulatory requirements pertaining to the adoption of distributed ledger technologies in securities offerings.
She is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.