VINCENT ONORATO has a broad practice with a primary focus on M&A, private equity, and corporate finance transactions. Within Vince’s practice, he regularly represents insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, private equity sponsors, asset managers, institutional investors, investment banks, and other financial services institutions in connection with domestic and cross-border mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, private equity investments, and reinsurance transactions, as well as with capital-raising transactions, including equity and debt public offerings, 144A transactions, private placements, and tender and exchange offers.
Vince has been recognized by Super Lawyers as a “Rising Star” in New York.
Vince graduated cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. As a law student, he was a primary editor for the Washington University Journal of Law & Policy and served as a judicial extern to the Honorable William D. Stiehl of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.