With the final Privacy Shield decision, the European Commission and United States Government have concluded several years of discussion and negotiation concerning the Safe Harbour framework and the new Privacy Shield. The effort and thought by negotiators, EU institutions, and stakeholders alike to reach this point reflect the importance of private life and data protection in EU society and the significance of data flows to transatlantic commerce and discourse. Sidley Senior Counsel Cam Kerry and Sidley Partner Maarten Meulenbelt discuss how the Privacy Shield meets the requirements of EU law and answers criticisms in Privacy Shield: Essentially Equivalent. For more, click here.
If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the Sidley lawyer with whom you usually work, or
Cameron F. Kerry Senior Counsel ckerry@sidley.com +1 617 223 0305 |
Maarten Meulenbelt Partner mmeulenbelt@sidley.com +32 2 504 6467 |